Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sacred power of WE


its the only language I hear
and now speak.
the only steps I now dance
with you the rythyms of love.
the entanglement of mind, body, soul
the dance of life and death and life once more.
this love song that vibrates throughout my inner cells 
and harmonizes with the beat, the strength of my heart.
the sacredness of the pair
tastes of the sweetest nectar
traveling the winds of resurrection and birth
carrying the blessed seeds
that swell and grace the earth.
flower petals descend about our heels
and we stand upon the crystal gateway
ascending the kingdom of magic
floating into the synchrony...
of we.

Monday, March 16, 2009


With God's Name

As women, we are innate lovers. And our love shall extend to all things. It pains me deeply to hear about all the suffering occuring in various parts of the world. Whether it be the large sums of human beings driven to displacement camps in Sudan, or the little girl being abused in a "home" across the road from me. Though prayer is a powerful tool, many times I feel lost and confused when I can't seem to do more than pray.  And at this point, there's no other option BUT to do more. Putting an end to human suffering is what I was put on the earth to do. This I'm clear about. Honestly, I think we all share a role in that mission, and especially as mothers--lovers--caretakers--life-bearers. We have to remain committed and devoted to the giving and sustaining of life, on every level. Our bodies support the growth and development of life, unlike the male anatomy. A woman's fabric is warm, colorful and made of love, and shall cover the Earth, to protect her from the cold and harshest of winds. Winds that affect all of us. We are protectors, in our special way. Love-warriors.

On that note, I will always add information that speaks to this mission. I urge all of us to read, listen, and involve ourselves in the cause for humanity in any way.  Many times, the way of the moment will be a simple, yet heartfelt prayer. That counts. That 
keeps The Heart alive and connected.  Being seriously devoted to your own family counts. But let us never forget about the forgotten, the suppressed, the less-fortunate, the downtrodden. 

The situation is DIRE is Sudan, as ALL the Aid organizations were recently kicked out by President Omar El-Bashir, because a warrant was issued for his arrest by the International Criminal Court. Read Why Activism Still Matters for Sudan....AND What YOU Can Do.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quick Tidbit

With God's Name

Your life opens up the day you embrace that everything God has let happen to you, was done because of His utter, unquantifyable LOVE...for you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Peace lovely ones,
I was thinking of you'all and wanted to stay connected. There's a lot going on internally and externally. I like to use the "box" many ways I feel like my insides can be catagorized or "boxed"...for example, theres the career box, the romance box, the spirituality box, the leisure box, etc. etc.....but for a long time the spirituality contents were in the romance box, or the romance contents were in the career get the picture. Things can be out of order on the inside. Using the wrong things to "fill" us. And of course, its not as simple as the box analogy in real life. Because there are some themes that should string throughout each box, that overlap and interchange. What I'm realizing is at the center of the equation is our relationship with The Higher Power--which expresses Itself in various forms and holds many names: The Peace...Pure Love...Truth. When we commit to experiencing this--irrespective of what happened in the past, or what's going on in our external lives--then assessments, cleansing and reogranization can occur. The turmoil starts to settle--so we can think. be still. listen. take survey. not from a place of panic, where we're trying to cover the discontent w. whatever we can get our hands on......Nothing can go in that Higher Power box but The actual Higher Power--when we come to anything else for the Peace that only The Source of All Peace can give--we end up dissapointed, disillusioned and confused. And because that box is in misuse, it throws everything else off. Conversely, if that box is given its proper contents: its proper respect, honor and attention--it enables the proper arrangement of all our stuff. Some things need to be cleaned and refurbished, some things thrown out.

When we feel The Peace thats inherent in our being (and give up looking outside for it, realizing we can't guarantee its staying power when it comes from the outside), we see things for what they are and what they should be. And we can make the necessary shifts. "Oh no!! I was pursuing law because I thought Daddy would be proud but...I don't really want to do this--I'm an artist"..."Oh my goodness--this man that I loved, and thought lovved me--treats me like CRAP!! I put up with this??" Aha!! Clicks, bells, whistles....the light is on. And you get passionate about living. Really living...

You realize you're here for a reason. Your Soul isn't just taking up space. Its come to add color/vibrancy, make an indent upon the Universe, shape the world towards Oneness and Love...Health and Well-Be.Ing. This is your service. Discharge--or perish inside.