Thursday, April 30, 2009

Guess What????

I'm getting married!!!! [Godwilling]

Details to come...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Work it Sis!

Wow. I literally feel like the art of "living" can be exhausting. Im sooo tired. More so, mentally and emotionally, than physically. There's always so much going on. I live in a house with 6 other people, 3 of them young boys (.....the definition of whirlwind, I constantly feel Im spinning at top speed on my axis). There's a lot of noise. There's a lot of sparring. There's a lot of laughter. There's a lot of love....There just a lot of...A LOT. lol And there are a lot of endeavors I'm currently engaged order to exist in all that I am; a full woman. This is the epitome of being a woman these days...doing so much while trying to stay centered.

So in the midst of it all, I've been picking up tips from the women I admire, and anyone who knows a little something about making it all work. I've picked up some things of value, such as the power and art of routine. A quote I recently read in an email a friend sent: "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."~ Aristotle

It is reported that Muhammd the Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: "O people, perform only those acts which you have strength, because God is not afraid of giving rewards until you are fed up. God likes best the act which is done consistently, even if it may be ordinary."

I think the theme here is consistency. Declare a goal or many, and craft your life and shecdule so that you can be working a little towards it daily, or weekly, or whatever the consistent basis that you set up is. Now traditionally my problem with routine is that I'll carry it out for a couple days only to get restless, bored and feeling like I need some splash! some spice! Well a good friend of mine recently told me that its normal for the mind to eventually get used to a repetivie act and consequently, feel less engaged about it. Thats usually when we ditch it. But, he said, the trick here is to keep the ultimate goal, but employ a little variety in the means you go about accomplishing it. For example, Goal: Strengthen Arms--For ten consistent days do 10 reps of 15 lbs, then for the next ten days do pushups, then for the next ten days--choose another method, or go back to the first. It will keep things more spicy (lol) amidst the ordinary.

So, that was an important tidbit I wanted to share with my sistren, working hard, seeking the best life has to offer. It CAN work, we just have to work it! :-)