Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Belly dance fitness =)

My belly dance work out for the day--It did work me! but it was fun...
~Im determined to hold up my legs by my abs before it's done (seen in Part 3 towards the end)
And remember to SMILE!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do do more.

A CRITICAL Reminder ladies--it could be life or death.

Sometimes you have to delegate. Sometimes you have to lock yourself in your office, your room, your space.

You ever heard of working smarter, not harder?

Honestly, who wants to be running in place?

Dont Underestimate the Power of Hair


So I've just discovered the sercret to unblocking the spiritual and mental clogs at the root of your creativity ruts, physical fatigue, mental slowdowns and that are overall holding you back!!!

Take GREAT care of your like, really.

It sounds simple. It sounds silly, but its absolutely true. OK so maybe taking care of one's crown and glory has to be done in tandem with other important things to experience full results, but let's not underestimate the power of our hair.

I say this because I JUST recently started my locs (I'm embarking on my loc journey!!). Prior to my locs, I've always had a lot of hair. I went totally natural in 12th grade, and that summer is when i decided to wear my scarf officially. I guess that combination resulted in a lackluster A.T. towards my hair. (Ironiccally, in h.s. i was obsessed with the appearance of my hair--truly the other extreme). As an Au Natural, people might ask me, "what do you do for your hair to keep it so full?", and I'd be thinking "nothin :/"  I kept it clean, semi-moisturized (I didn't even moisturize as much as I probably should have), sometimes braided, sometimes bumped, occasionally a color here and there, but thats about it. (That actually sounds like a lot--I assure you it wasn't. No matter how much I wish I WERE in this moment, I simply was NOT that fly sista always in the salon or with a new hairstyle everyother week!)

But, as y'all well know, change happens. Right in line with my enhanced awarenee and expression of my womanlyhoodness (lol! like why I started this blog)...I knew i had to do SOMETHING for, with, to my hair, and that it needed to be nurtured and cared for on a regular consistent basis. Flash forward---> I got twisties last Sunday to start my locs.

Like honestly, I woke up the next day a different person....hella weird. I felt clear, I felt strong, I felt powerful, I felt like "I'm owning this!!"..."this" being my life, my temple, my destiny. I feel womanly, I feel sexy, I feel fierce, I feel RENEWED, I feel like there's less in the way between me and peace...Something about cultivation of the hair communicates cultivation for the soul, in such a major way...and I think that's why, as we can see in the movie "Good Hair", a sista's hairdo is such a big deal. So anyway I think great hair care has several facets--hair should be healthy, clean, moisturized, styled (take the time to see what it wants to say to you and the world each day--or most days, you're allowed a day or two of "hell, who cares", and most must be loved!