Monday, September 14, 2009

Loving the precious Self Pt. 1

Healing. yes, we're gonna heeeeaall together. Im in the --- throes of a lifestyle revamp. And--naturally--thinking on some thangs....
we get run down so easily as women, we get insecure, we get anxious, we get jealous, sometimes we panic, or feel scared, or suddenly feel so very isolated from our truest, joyful self, we get physically ill, mentally confused and spiritually disconnected (maybe in the reverse order)...I've been feeling all these things in varying degrees lately. And one morning recently, I got still--very still--and The Peace (that never left in the first place :) ) became known to me again, and I jotted down my inlking thinklings....lets share this journey together---its so exciting and fuuun!
With God's Name
My recommittment to being a Sacred Woman.
1) Gratiitude--when I look in the mirror, consciously embrace and give thanks for my being and my vessel.
2) Meditate--get quiet and let go of all the hurt. Allow my/yourself to go within and explore how you feel. Research your mind and heart's history and acknowledge the "pains" as well as the "whys." Tell yourself its ok. And slowly release it. Yes, Breaaathe it out of your system--forgiving yourself and others.
a) Note about deepbreathing--let your sstomach rise fully at your inhale and recline at your exhale--sweeping the air (and the mental bacteria) from the floors of your stomach and out of your internal environment.
3) A recommittment to cleansing of impure and unpleasant thoughts (feeling negative about someone else or yourself) on a regular basis--outside of meditation but "in the moment". We have to look @ our thoughts as PHYSICAL phenomena, if we're overrun w. bad bacteria, our bodies will get sick, period. IMAGINE what unclean thoughts do to out psyche, spirit, and body eventually as well!! :( :( :(. Lets make a committment to cleanse ourselves. and ask God to show us how--oh yes! bring The Creator into it--no way will we succeed without doing so--thats more than half the battle right there. Let go of fear, "I cant's" and all that disempowers and de-energizes you...

That concludes the first traverse on this VERY nourishing trip...To be continued,..Stay tuned for our next Session on DEALING W. JEALOUSY and INFUSING JOOYYY into our lives...!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your wording: "My recommittment to being a Sacred Woman" How essential is that, not just a committment, but recommiting ourselves to ourselves. Wow. I like all of these pointers. You touch on the healing and cleansing of the mind body and soul. I especially can appreciation 2a because often time when feeling low just concentrating on ones breathing can bring us back into focus on what is important. And #3, sometimes physical cleansing is the first step that leads us to mental and spiritual Peace and I like the way you likened though to being physical, because in their effect and in essence they are!...thinking clean thoughts can be difficult, but #2 assists with achieving that goal and in always implementing #1...gratitude. Gratitude. Well, with gratitude, how can we forget all of the blessing that lay right in front of us and allow us to elevate daily, if we would open our hearts and minds and see the greatness that is ourselves and our ability to shape our circumstances. Give thanks to the Most High for all of these things. Oh, but, word. sometimes jealousy is a good attribute and is our way warning ourselves that protecting what we know has been rightfully granted to us really is important. :)...hehehe
